The Bazerman Auction And Innovation

At Harvard Business School Max Bazerman is a professor of negotiation.  He starts each semester off the same way  -- by auctioning off a $20 bill.  There are two rules…

Getting Back to Hyperlocalism

With the advent of the television newscast people began taking an interest in what was happening not just in their town, but the world around them.  Subsequently we've come to…

Marketing 2.0: It Feels So Good

There's an expression: it's like hitting your head with a hammer because it feels so good when you stop.  For years we've been bashing our customers over the head with…

Goodbye Joe Consumer, Hello New Media Opportunity

According to an October 12th article, the 2010 Census is expected to find that 309 million people live in the United States. But one person will be missing: the…

It’s A People Question

Recently NetFlix found a winner to their long standing, million dollar, contest designed to inspire freelance teams toward creating new algorithms which would "...substantially improve the accuracy of predictions about…

Can Marketing Be Too Successful?

We talk a lot about customer delight and how to turn irate customers into loyal ones, but how often to we prepare ourselves for the opposite?  What happens when we…

Case: Small Buisness In The Cloud

Kim is a friend, talented professional photographer, and owner of TwoRoads Studio .  She wanted to sell some of her prints online so she came to me to help make…

The Value Of An Ad Not Seen

What is the value of an ad not seen?  Worse yet, what is the value of an ad seen but not acted upon?  For years we as marketers have worked…

I Want To Be An Intern

I want to be an intern.  Sounds crazy, right?  Interns get all bunk jobs others don't want, right?  They got the radio jobs when radio was the new media no…

Tappers vs. Listeners: Who’s Who?

Made to Stick , a book by Chip and Dan Heath, brings about concept of tappers and listeners with respect to marketing.  They contend marketers have too much information to…