Grandpa Still Takes His Phone Out Of His Pocket

Just last week Google broke the news that Glass is moving out of Google[x] and into a standalone company within Google.  Of course the first thing I heard from the…

Healthcare Marketing: a Digital Perspective

The world has changed. According to Jennifer Erwitt, in her book The Human Face of Big Data, “…in the first day of a baby’s life today, the world creates 70…

Mobile SEO

In June 2013 Google rolled out mobile SEO standards in an effort to improve mobile web experiences and search results.  Here are some quick take-aways that can not only improve…

Great Article from the Integrated Marketing Summit

This was actually a surprisingly good article from Integrated Marketing Summit despite its title, 3 Tactics, 2 Strategies and 1 Crotchety Contrarian from Integrated Marketing Summit. The quick overview…

Global Awards

So we were at The Global Awards for excellence in healthcare advertising last night and in my 2am blogging stooper I’ve had a thought. The first two things that came…

Can Marketing Be Too Successful?

We talk a lot about customer delight and how to turn irate customers into loyal ones, but how often to we prepare ourselves for the opposite?  What happens when we…

Marketing In A Reputation Based Economy

Cred , short for street credit , slang for your reputation .  Defined as:  commanding a level of respect due to experience in or knowledge of issues affecting those environments. …

Why Your New Media Campaign Failed

Passion & Greed.  That's it.  Those two words account for so much failure in new media, I can't even begin to tell you.  But I can tell you why, and…

Book Review: Made To Stick

Chip Heath & Dan Heath. (2007). Made to Stick. Random House. This book is a great source of inspiration for marketing professionals and anyone else who needs their message to…