The Top 10 Technologies that Will Change Healthcare Marketing & Why You Should Know About Them
As the technology and industry leaders my responsibilities are to Technology and the pursuit of what’s next for us, our industry, our clients, and their customers by identifying technology trends…
The New New Social Business
I read an interesting ebook the other day. It wasn't so much that the content was interesting, although it was, but how I came to have it was more interesting.…
The Future of Social Media and Marketing
The other day someone asked me where I think the future of social media in marketing is for 2010 and the future beyond that. What an interesting question. Here's my…
New Media Marketing: The Hi-Tech Way to be Low-Tech
The whole idea behind new media and social networking is to form deeper relationships with customers which can be cultivated into a strong bond and, hopefully, brand loyalty. We use…
Marketing In A Reputation Based Economy
Cred , short for street credit , slang for your reputation . Defined as: commanding a level of respect due to experience in or knowledge of issues affecting those environments. …