The New New Social Business

I read an interesting ebook the other day.  It wasn't so much that the content was interesting, although it was, but how I came to have it was more interesting.…

Keeping Up With The [Technical-Marketing] Joneses

In 1913 the term "keeping up with the Joneses" first entered pop-culture as an idiom for social caste. For the next 100 years neighbors spent their time peering over fences…

Saturated Loyalty

Lately I've been hearing a lot about loyalty programs, their goals, and their objectives so it's got me thinking about loyalty in the age of new media marketing.  Traditionally loyalty…

Fun Theory

What does a piano staircase, an arcade recycling bin, and the worlds deepest trash can have in common?  People use them. (more…)

Goodbye Joe Consumer, Hello New Media Opportunity

According to an October 12th article, the 2010 Census is expected to find that 309 million people live in the United States. But one person will be missing: the…

Context: What Are Your Customers Missing?

As a Washington Post experiment Joshua Bell, one of the finest classical musicians in the world, playing some of the most elegant music ever written on one of the most…

It’s A People Question

Recently NetFlix found a winner to their long standing, million dollar, contest designed to inspire freelance teams toward creating new algorithms which would "...substantially improve the accuracy of predictions about…

Marginal Non-Negative Impact

You send emails every day.  You send an email to a friend or colleague, and it goes through.  Occasionally you check the spam folder to see if anything important was…

When Value Added Does Not Add Value

The concept starts as an organization who wishes to increase value to their customers.  Not so bad.  But what happens when this goes horribly wrong?  Suddenly it becomes blatantly obvious…

The Value Of An Ad Not Seen

What is the value of an ad not seen?  Worse yet, what is the value of an ad seen but not acted upon?  For years we as marketers have worked…