The Hacker Manifesto
by +++The Mentor+++ Written January 8, 1986 Another one got caught today, it's all over the papers. "Teenager Arrested in Computer Crime Scandal", "Hacker Arrested after Bank Tampering"... Damn kids. They're…
Here’s To the Crazy Ones
Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And…
Five Trends from AdAge Digital 2013
In April I had the good fortune to attend the 2013 AdAge Digital Conference in New York. It was a fantastic and informative event with many thought leaders and lots…
The Top 10 Technologies that Will Change Healthcare Marketing & Why You Should Know About Them
As the technology and industry leaders my responsibilities are to Technology and the pursuit of what’s next for us, our industry, our clients, and their customers by identifying technology trends…
Global Awards
So we were at The Global Awards for excellence in healthcare advertising last night and in my 2am blogging stooper I’ve had a thought. The first two things that came…
Debating Responsive Design in Healthcare @ SXSW
Responsive Design, the hot topic debate of the mobile community, rages on as the two sides collide in the name of delivering the best mobile experience in healthcare. Not since…
Vote For Our SXSW Panel
What Does Your Health Data Say About You? You run with your Up, track your sleep with your FitBit, and track your calories with 40-30-30. Where does all of that…
EHR: A Cautionary Tale
EHR is such a funny thing for me. I can obviously see the power in the data, but after speaking to my son's doctor a few times about it there…
Why I Hate Responsive Design
Advocates of responsive design would have you believe there are a ton of benefits to their silver bullet strategy for web development. But not unlike snake oil salesmen or snipe…
The New New Social Business
I read an interesting ebook the other day. It wasn't so much that the content was interesting, although it was, but how I came to have it was more interesting.…