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New Media Marketing Matrix

Today’s fast pace consumer environment requires that people get what they want, when they want, and how they want it.  That’s where New Media marketing comes in.  Traditionally you could opt to send a direct piece, an email, or place a quick phone call.  New Media Marketing says what’s with this "or" business?  Everyone is an individual and needs to be treated as such.

You don’t treat one friend exactly the same as another, do you?  Neither should you with your customers.  New Media and Marketing 2.0 is about forming and cultivating relationships, just like you do with your friends.  One of my friends is on Google Talk all day, I always know how to get in touch with  him.  Another is always on Facebook, while another won’t be found near his computer on a sunny day.  If I wanted to contact all my friends right now there’s no single way to do it, but there is a best way for each of them.

This is Marketing 2.0.