Father’s Day & Independence Day
Father's Day, arguably the most active barbecue purchasing day of the year, is celebrated within a month of Independence Day, the most active barbecue using day of the year. Coincidence or…
Marketing In A Reputation Based Economy
Cred , short for street credit , slang for your reputation . Defined as: commanding a level of respect due to experience in or knowledge of issues affecting those environments. …
Why Your New Media Campaign Failed
Passion & Greed. That's it. Those two words account for so much failure in new media, I can't even begin to tell you. But I can tell you why, and…
The Right Way to Market New Media
New media marketing is about being the best. Offer the best information. Have the best value for your customer. When you're the best, people will follow you. When you're not,…
The Best Day to Send an Email
Browsing the message boards the other day I saw someone posted the question: "what's the best day to send an email campaign?". Immediately, the fundamental flaw with this question jumped…
Marketing 2.0: Good Marketing to Great Marketing
There are a lot of good marketers out there. They are good because they consistently deliver good ROI by building good campaigns that deliver good results. Marketing 2.0 isn't about…
The Value of New Media Marketing
The initial appeal of online marketing was in the long tail . With the marginal cost of the next 100,000 being extremely low, why wouldn't you? New media marketing is…
New Media Brand Loyalty
Recently Euro RSCG Worldwide released an article in PRWeek which found that last year there was a 25% increase in the number of consumers who buy based on quality over…