New Media Brand Loyalty

Recently Euro RSCG Worldwide released an article in PRWeek which found that last year there was a 25% increase in the number of consumers who buy based on quality over…

New Media Marketing Matrix

Today's fast pace consumer environment requires that people get what they want, when they want, and how they want it.  That's where New Media marketing comes in.  Traditionally you could…

Brand marketing vs. personal sales

Many brands would love to utilize the power of New Media, but shifting away from traditional media methodologies is not easy, especially for the older and larger agencies.  Currently personal…

New Media: Market Development or Penetration?

In his latest blog post, Whether or which , Seth Godin makes an excellent reference to the strength of new media in expanding market share vs. expanding the market in…

Book Review: Good to Great

Jim Collins. (2001). Good to Great . HarperBusiness Jim Collins and his team did a great job of breaking down both business and leaders into factors that helped make them…

Book Review: Leadership and Self Deception

The Arbinger Institute. (2000). Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box . San Francisco: Berrett-Hoehler. The Arbinger Institute did a great job of explaining their theory as will serve…

SOA & Web 2.0 MVC — Part 1

I've been picking at the Web 2.0 buffet for a while so now that I'm getting into Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) I'm really starting to see the connections. Web 2.0…

Book Review: Made To Stick

Chip Heath & Dan Heath. (2007). Made to Stick. Random House. This book is a great source of inspiration for marketing professionals and anyone else who needs their message to…