I Want To Be An Intern

I want to be an intern.  Sounds crazy, right?  Interns get all bunk jobs others don't want, right?  They got the radio jobs when radio was the new media no…

The Dark Side of Social Networking

As professional marketers we're always looking for new and better ways to collect information about our customers so that we may better serve them.  We, for the most part, have…

Tappers vs. Listeners: Who’s Who?

Made to Stick , a book by Chip and Dan Heath, brings about concept of tappers and listeners with respect to marketing.  They contend marketers have too much information to…

Social Media: The Leader in Thought Leadership

The best and brightest minds in your industry don't work for you.  Well, some might, maybe one, but the vast majority do not.  This leaves you two options:  one, attempt…

New Media Marketing: The Hi-Tech Way to be Low-Tech

The whole idea behind new media and social networking is to form deeper relationships with customers which can be cultivated into a strong bond and, hopefully, brand loyalty. We use…

Why Your New Media Campaign Failed

Passion & Greed.  That's it.  Those two words account for so much failure in new media, I can't even begin to tell you.  But I can tell you why, and…

The Right Way to Market New Media

New media marketing is about being the best.  Offer the best information.  Have the best value for your customer.  When you're the best, people will follow you.  When you're not,…

AdAge: How Would You Pitch the GM Account?

Recently AdAge published an article which posed the question "How Would You Pitch the GM Account? " to several marketing and advertising industry executives.  Many of them had some great…

A Perfect Social Networking Analogy

I first saw this on Seth Godin's blog .  It's a perfect analogy for social networking, tipping points, spinning the flywheel, etc....  All strangers.  All sharing a common interest.  All…

The Flip Side of New Media

In discussing new media marketing most of the questions I get widdle down to "how do I get my message out?"  This is a very Marketing 1.0 perspective on Marketing…