The holidays often get me thinking about extraordinary people — those I know and those I do not. Some are well known, some will never be known, and some are not yet heroes. It’s this last group that got me thinking organizationally. Who’s your best customer, who were they before they were your best customer, and what was the experience that made them your best customer? Heroes, like customers, are all around us if you give them the chance.
Watching a movie about the coming of age of a WWII hero, seeing all the lives he touched before he was who he became, the path he traveled, and the chances he was given got me thinking about who people are before they become who they will be. Before your best customer was your best customer they had their first purchase. Before your best marketing campaign was your best marketing campaign it was an idea in someone’s head.
Heroes and customers are not just for the Holidays, they’re for every day. Treat every customer like the best customer they may become. Get to know them, and help them become who they will be. For you and for them.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!