PharmaVOICE – May 2015 – The Power of Mobile Apps in Healthcare
The year 2013 officially marked the arrival of mobile with more than 50% smartphone adoption in all major markets. Though many organizations had dabbled, mobile-first strategies catapulted to the top of nearly all marketing priority lists. But in the rush to adopt in 2014, industries have struggled….
PharmaVOICE – May 2015 – SHOWCASE FEATURE: mHealth: The Next Frontier (contributor)
More than 90% of the world’s population has some type of mobile phone, according to the Society for Participatory Medicine, quoting data from the International Telecommunications Union and PEW research. mHealth will continue to be a major factor in technology and health in 2015, with new apps that connect patients to physicians for real-time monitoring….
MM&M – Jan 2015 – FEATURE: Mobile Marketing Report: On Hold (contributor)
It’s not as though pharma marketers didn’t see mobile coming. For the past half decade, they’ve discussed its potential to transform behaviors and relationships within the healthcare ecosystem. Yet now that mobile has arrived, they find themselves torn between caution and exuberance….
PharmaVOICE – Nov/Dec 2014 – SHOWCASE FEATURE: E-Solutions: Power Surge (contributor)
E-Solutions ranging from mobile advances to EMR technologies are expected to reframe the patient model. Notably, the most encouraging news on mobile and quantified health is the recent announcement and launch of the HealthKit platform and the mobile app Health by Apple. HealthKit allows devices and….
PharmaVOICE – Nov/Dec 2014 – The Future of Healthcare is Wearable
EHR is connecting our healthcare, the Internet of things is connecting our world, and now wearables are connecting everything else. With health data becoming increasingly more standardized and accessible, there is a future where healthcare is personalized not just to our health, but also to our lives.
PharmaVOICE – Nov/Dec 2014 – SHOWCASE FEATURE: E-Solutions: Power Surge (contributor)
Digital leverages data to personalize and think about user experiences, compared to traditional which starts with an idea and then tests it in-market. Both leverage data, but they go about it in opposing ways, making integration difficult. Traditional and digital can be aligned, but it takes real planning to make it work seamlessly.
PharmaVOICE – April 2014 – SHOWCASE FEATURE: Mobile: Going Mobile (contributor)
Mobile technology offers tremendous opportunities for the healthcare industry to address some of the most pressing global challenges: make healthcare more accessible, improve patient outcomes, and reduce costs.
The Future of Wearables @ SXSW 2014
As you might have imagined, the conversation around wearables was booming at SXSW this year. But they weren’t talking about FitBit or Fuelband as you might expect. They were talking about what comes next, after we’ve quantified our surface vitals.
PharmaVOICE – March 2014 – Connected Health Tools Improve Patient Outcomes (contributor)
The ability for real-time information exchange enables better relationships, monitoring, and behavior change. The Center for Connected Health has been studying the effects of connected health on patient behavior, engagement, and outcomes concluding that patients who used wireless devices were more likely to be engaged in their healthcare and have better outcomes.
PharmaVOICE – March 2014 – Regulating in the Connected Health World (contributor)
Pharmaceutical regulation is both a hindrance and a necessity. In September 2013, the FDA issued a final guidance for mobile medical apps. This guidance provides clarity regarding which mobile apps are the focus of FDA oversight and which are not. Together with January 2014’s draft social guidance we can begin to pain a picture in the FDA’s role in oversight, safety, and privacy.
Digital Trends Affecting US Health Care [infographic]
In the past year, digital innovations have brought about new markets and channels for digital health interactions. This infographic is a visual mapping of the technologies and innovations which are already playing a key role in shaping the future of healthcare and the experiences and journeys which surround it.
commerce@Ogilvy – Constant Care
A few decades ago, a visit to the doctor’s office was something that happened in relative isolation. You went, got a check-up, and got orders to quit smoking or eat better—but no one had any idea what you were up to until the next time you showed up. No longer. Next-generation health-care systems, much like Continuous Commerce practices, embrace the multi-channel reality of our lives through a complex mix of disparate health-care providers to create continuous and seamless experiences.
PharmaVOICE – Nov/Dec 2013 – Measure Once, Cut Many Times
In carpentry there’s a saying, “measure twice, cut once.” It’s a cautionary tale of making sure you do it right the first time. In digital healthcare marketing we’re not carpenters; we keep cutting.
PharmaVOICE – September 2013 – Beyond the Pill: Fulfilling The Promise of Connected Health
It’s no surprise that the “new healthcare” collaboration model envisioned between healthcare providers, patients, payers, and other stakeholders is a national priority. An increasing focus on wellness and, more recently, the Affordable Care Act’s impetus for improved access, quality of care, and outcomes have already stimulated many changes. Combined with the incentives and standards for EHR “meaningful use,” it’s clear the future of healthcare is technology-enabled, BIG-data-informed, connected, consumer-empowered…
PharmaVOICE – September 2013 – SHOWCASE FEATURE: Marketing: Outcomes, Collaboration, and Digital Are Leading to A New Era In Marketing (contributor)
According to estimates from PwC, the United States is struggling to foot a healthcare bill that touches $2 trillion. Furthermore, because the system will no longer be able to manage such an astronomical number and pharmaceutical companies will no longer be able to count on “big ticket” sales, there will be a push for companies to differentiate their medicines from those of their rivals, demonstrate value for money, and contribute…
PharmaVOICE – June 2013 – Big Data: It’s Not The Volume It’s The Value
The term big data can refer to large volumes of data, or small, unstructured pieces. Most recently, the term references the enormous flow of information that is suddenly available from the many healthcare technology tools that have become available to and used by consumers. According to experts, the word “big” in big data should illustrate the huge opportunity for actionable insights that can be used to enrich operations and provide targeted solutions all along the molecule-to-market spectrum. The massive amount of data available through so many touch points will provide new insights about customers, products, markets, and stakeholders that can be leveraged to better align decision-making…
5 Kinda Digital Trends for 2013
When I first began writing this post it was about technology, because that’s been my focus for many years. As I began diving into it, however, I found something I didn’t expect. Five digital trends that are hardly digital at all because, as one article puts it, “e-marketing” has become just “marketing.”
SXSW 2013: BIG Data and Personal Technology at SXSW
Big data isn’t new. We’ve been talking about it for years. What’s new is where it’s coming from and what we’re doing with it.
Consumer Electronics Show 2013 (1of 4): Born Mobile
This year, for the first time ever, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) was kicked off with a keynote from a mobile company. Dr. Paul Jacobs, Chairman and CEO of Qualcomm, set the tone for CES with his presentation entitled Born Mobile. Here are some highlights on what he had to say.