The Dark Side of Social Networking
As professional marketers we're always looking for new and better ways to collect information about our customers so that we may better serve them. We, for the most part, have…
Tappers vs. Listeners: Who’s Who?
Made to Stick , a book by Chip and Dan Heath, brings about concept of tappers and listeners with respect to marketing. They contend marketers have too much information to…
Social Media: The Leader in Thought Leadership
The best and brightest minds in your industry don't work for you. Well, some might, maybe one, but the vast majority do not. This leaves you two options: one, attempt…
New Media Marketing: The Hi-Tech Way to be Low-Tech
The whole idea behind new media and social networking is to form deeper relationships with customers which can be cultivated into a strong bond and, hopefully, brand loyalty. We use…
Father’s Day & Independence Day
Father's Day, arguably the most active barbecue purchasing day of the year, is celebrated within a month of Independence Day, the most active barbecue using day of the year. Coincidence or…